
Houseplants are a really nice and inexpensive gift at this time of year.
Orchids look exotic but require less care then many think so ideal for giving and last much longer than a bunch of flowers, my mum managed to keep one flowering for the best part of a year once!
Cyclamen are a seasonal classic along with Poinsettias, both require little water and will last well into the New year if kept in a room with a steady temperature away from central heating.
Gardenia, Jasmine and Stephanotis are deliciously scented, elegant looking plants all with cream coloured flowers that will add a touch of class to any room.
Azaleas come in a range of pretty colours and are smothered in flower at this time, keep moist at all times and if you can water with rain water as they prefer a slightly acidic base around the roots.
We also stock many other houseplants and some special planted arrangements so pop into to any of the centres for gift ideas and more advice if you need it.

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