
If the rain ever stops, It’s time for doing a bit of pruning this week, firstly I’m hoping to tackle the Wisteria and will cut all stems coming off the main framework to 2 or 3 buds of the previous years’ growth. It’s growing over a wooden pagoda against our garage and if I don’t cut it back now it ends up covering the roof and the tendrils have been known to get under the tiles!
Next it’s onto my espaliered Apple & Pear trees, I have 2 of each going around my walled Veg Plot and I keep them pruned close to the main stem leaving three healthy buds.  Where it’s been so mild the buds are really developed and it won’t be long before I get some blossom! Aaah the first sights of spring!! Please rain stop!!!!

our keen amateur gardener!

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