
It’s been too cold to get out on my veggie plot and I’ve only been going out there to pick winter salad and spring onions. The Garden Centres have now got their range of seed potatoes in and I’m going to start chitting them by putting them in a light and cool place (my conservatory) with the end showing the most 'buds' uppermost in old egg boxes. Once the shoots start to sprout, pinch out all but two or three. Starting them early gives them a really good chance to develop before planting in early March.

I’m also making up my plan of vegetable crop rotation for this year and need to rotate where I planted cabbages last year and put runner beans in and I’ll put onions, carrots and parsnips where the runner beans were! It sounds complicated but it distributes and puts back all the nitrates and nutrients into the soil lost through growing.

While I’ve been sitting with a cuppa doing my plan, I’ve also been through my old seed packets and thrown out all the out of dates, there’s quite a list of new seeds I’ll be needing as well as potatoes!! 


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