Last week I took the week off and as well as seeing friends and family I spent some time visiting a few gardens to get some inspiration and enjoy the relatively clear weather. Its snowdrop time and in many of the large gardens open to the public there are carpets of these pretty little bulbs flowering their socks off. They look gorgeous planted under deciduous trees and shrubs to add some much needed interest at the very end of winter when there’s not much else happening which I think makes them rather special.
I like to plant them with Hellebores which are an evergreen perennial that also flower at this time of year. They have beautiful peony shaped flowers in white and many shades of pink and yellow. My favourites are the dark plum, almost slate coloured, frilly doubles that contrast well with the snowdrops. Of course we have both of these plants in stock at present so if your borders are a little boring at the moment pop in and see us!