A saying usually associated with a song about Melbourne in Australia but equally applicable to this month so far! Sunny moments are encouraging us to get out when we can but the cold wet interruptions are typical of a British spring and we can use this weather pattern to our advantage. It’s ideal planting weather for hardy shrubs, climbers, perennials and trees. I like to nip out during the sunny spells to plant then get back in the dry when the heavens open for a well earned cuppa whilst the rain takes care of watering them in for me.
Now is an ideal time to plant Hardy Shrubs |
Many of you are asking us for plants that you can put in now that ‘won’t die’. It’s always sad to lose a plant you’ve lovingly nurtured and we’re all a bit more cautious after the recent hard winters so here’s my top five bomb proof plants:
Viburnum tinus - Evergreen this underrated toughie flowers in late winter and early spring. A large shrub that can be made to behave with a good hard prune every couple of years.
Geraniums – Choose the perennial ones for a plant that will come back year after year and flower its socks off in blue, pink, white and every shade between. If it gets straggly after flowering cut back and you should get another flowering it prefers a sunny spot but will grow in most situations.
Yew – Great as a hedge or for training into weird and wonderful shapes as topiary. Shiny evergreen leaves and red berries in the autumn (these are toxic) Yew will grow – albeit slowly – in the darkest corner where nothing else will. Will take abuse.
Catmint – Lovely aromatic and soft grey green leaves with blue, blue flowers in summer cut back as with Geraniums, the drier and sunnier the spot the better – Excellent on sandy, poor soils.
Fuchsia – Pick a hardy one and it’ll be with you for years reliably flowering its heart out every summer. Various sizes and colours available there’s one for every garden as long as it’s not under water.
All of the above will last years as long as they are treated well in their first season until established (Plant with some decent organic matter and water them well during dry periods) and aren’t made to sit in water for long periods of time. Chuck a bit of plant food at them now and again and they’ll do even better.