Spring is in the air and we’re all just itching to get out in the garden – We nearly sold out of little tete a tete daffodils and primroses in the centres this week, they are really looking their best now so we’re busy re-stocking to ensure we don’t disappoint any one. We’re also in the midst of redeveloping the out-door area of our Centre at Landford – We all love this centre – its in a beautiful setting in the New Forest and the guys there have a real feel for creating inspirational displays – its so exciting for us to have brand new paving and fixtures and fittings to make the plants look their best. The works nearly finished now so over the next few weeks the team will be filling back up with lovely fresh stock, I am being sent to see one of the best suppliers for specimen stock next week to get some real special pieces to set the new Plant area off with, I can’t wait...
Talking of re-developments I am busy getting quotes for my garden – The first stage is to have the whole lot rotavated and levelled, I also need a new fence and we’re going to put decking down over the existing and rather tatty patio. Once this has all been done I will have a good base to work on for the rest – Lawn, raised veggy beds and some small borders that should be low maintenance – I am having to be very disciplined and stop myself from buying any of the yummy stock coming into the centres at the moment as I have nowhere to put it yet! I hope those quotes come through soon.