The beautiful but chilly weather we had at the week-end got many of you out and about and thinking gardens. It was lovely to see lots of customers in the centres especially as we have some really lovely plants in at the moment. The primroses we grow on the nursery are really starting to flower their socks off. My favourites are the ‘Heritage’ and ‘Woodland Walk’ varieties. ‘Heritage’ is the classic spring yellow primrose that lasts for years if lifted and divided every so often and kept it moist all year round. ’Woodland Walk’ a really pretty pink variety which seems to be nearly as tough. Both look great planted en mass in the garden but if you only have room for pots they’ll do well there too. Deadhead regularly and they will flower for months.

Sarcococca (or Winter Box) an evergreen with tiny white flowers and a big fragrance. Viburnum x bodnatense. ‘Dawn’ is the most common form with Pink flowers on bare stems. Look out for ‘Charles Lamont’ which has whiter flowers than ‘Dawn’ and is more unusual with good Autumn colour.
Hamamelis (or Witch Hazel) With bright yellow, orange or red sweet smelling flowers on bare stems. Witch Hazels also have spectacular Autumn colour which gives them another season of interest.