Well it is an exciting time for us Gardeners at the moment with all the yummy new plants becoming available each week now. This weeks walk round our nursery revealed a whole tunnel of emerging vegetable plants. We have broad beans, cabbage, brussels sprouts, tomatoes just to name a few... The summer bedding plants are also coming through now, Fuschias and Ivy leaved geraniums are ready for taking home to grow on and the other tub and basket plants aren’t far behind, fingers crossed the sun won’t be either.

With Mothers day here Easter is only just around the corner. It is traditionally one of the biggest week-ends for Garden centres and we’re going all out at John Browns on Easter Saturday with a visit from the Weber Barbeque guys in their retro Airstream land Yacht! They will be giving demonstrations on Barbequeing and opportunities to sample what they’ve cooked up. Carrie has also been busy organising masses of Barbeque offers for the whole week-end so you can get what you need to cook up a feast at retro prices!